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Friday, February 26, 2010

FDM or Fused Deposition Modeling

FDM or Fused Deposition Modeling is said to be one type of a
free-form fabrication technologies being developed Stratasys Inc.
As this technology utilizes high force ABC plastic it is one of the
most preferred technologies for prototyping plastic parts which
require force. The Fused Deposition Modeling is a method of layered
manufacturing which extrudes a very thin drop of plastic, just one
layer at a time. A string of plastic is supplied into an extrusion
cranium where this string is heated into a state of semi-liquid
form and then extruded via a very tiny passage onto the other layer
of the substance. Support substance is even being laid down in the
same method. 

How it Works? FDM is also said to be a solid based rapid prototype
method which extrudes substances to build a model layer by layer.
FDM is also the second most extensively utilized technology of
rapid prototyping after SLA or Stereolithography. Actually, a
plastic string is being released from a coil and then provides
substances to an extrusion syringe. This syringe is then heated to
melt the stored plastic it also has a mechanism that allows the
flow of the melted plastic to turn on and off when required. This
syringe is later mounted to a mechanical phase that can be shifted
both in vertical and horizontal directions. 


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whohub Interview à Max Maheu [solidwild]

Lisez mon interview sur Whohub<BR><b>Demandez-moi mon opinion sur quelque chose:</b><form name=whform style='margin:0px;' action= method=post target=_blank><textarea rows=5 cols=25 id=cont name=cont></textarea><BR><input type=button onclick="document.whform.submit(); document.whform.cont.value='';" value='ENVOYER'></form>

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Sunday, February 21, 2010


SolidWorks sera prochainement disponible sur Mac !!
L'annonce a été faite lors de SolidWorks World 2010. La version Mac qui a été présentée avait une interface sensiblement différente à celle de la version Windows. Il semble que l'éditeur a décidé de faire les choses bien, et ne se contente pas d'un portage brut de son logiciel de conception assistée par ordinateur 3D.

SolidWorks will be soon available on Mac !!!
This announcement has be done during the SolidWorks World 2010. The Mac version that was presented will be strictly different than the Windows version ! It will be a full and perfect version !

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Why 3D Printing

3d printing is the next step in communicating ideas.

First off many people can not understand parts displayed on a computer and even less on paper drawings, but a 3d object in there hands is about the best way to convey ideas. 

Secondary uses is direct to "retail" prints of stuff -- anything they need or think they need. 

The challenge in this is to get there ideas into the printer.

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What Do You Call Physical Models?

Form models? Prototypes? Function models? Something else entirely? What are the differences between the terms, in your eyes? Do you believe there is a standard, recognized vocabulary for any of these terms? 

It really depends on what you are looking for. "Model" suggests scaled representations used for simple testing or to get design feedback. For the most part models or mock-ups are made of simple materials used to demonstrate form or simple functions like clay-forms automotive engineers use to demonstrate styling for cars. "Functional models" are on the upper end of this scale. Usually made of somewhat more intricate material and used to demonstrate simple mechanics like miniature airplanes used for windtunnel testing. "Prototypes" are beyond functional models. Prototypes are usually made fullscale using some production materials. Prototypes are used for full-scale testing and to help manufacturing personnel prepare for production. 

Some companies use different terminology such as alpha-, beta-, and gamma-build. An alpha-build would be a preset number of early prototypes built from concept drawings and used for demonstrating "proof of concept". A beta-build would be closer to a standard set of prototypes where most of the design is complete. Beta-builds will often be updated or rebuilt as more of the design becomes final. They may be used for full-scale testing, field testing, and even select customer demonstrations. Gamma-builds are usually pre-production builds. They are built using production parts on a full assembly line to assess any production problems. Gamma-builds are as close to production-style as possible. Barring any last minute changes, gamma-builds can be used for any final testing or customer demonstration. Some companies may even sell the Gamma-builds as discounted or used.


I would think that most would agree on the differences between model/mock-up, prototype and production, but different engineering groups use different terminology depending on the NPD process being used.

Contract Engineer for BeaconMedaes at Aerotek

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