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Sunday, February 21, 2010

Why 3D Printing

3d printing is the next step in communicating ideas.

First off many people can not understand parts displayed on a computer and even less on paper drawings, but a 3d object in there hands is about the best way to convey ideas. 

Secondary uses is direct to "retail" prints of stuff -- anything they need or think they need. 

The challenge in this is to get there ideas into the printer.

Posted via web from SolidWild's posterous

1 comment:

  1. Objet Geometries has just announced an extension to its trade-in program. They're offering up to $80,000 credit for an older Objet 3D printer as a trade-in when buying one of their Connex multi-material 3D printers or a newer Eden machine. And, they're offering some incentives for trade-ins of non-Objet 3D printers. Worth checking it all out –
